Preparing for an emergency is an important thing to do before you find yourself in a crisis. Preparing for a dental emergency is like a medical emergency, but the focus is on dental injuries rather than cuts, bruises, and sprained ankles.
Dental emergencies do not happen every day. A mild toothache, irritated gums, and sensitive teeth are not dental emergencies. A dental issue which requires immediate medical attention and treatment, would be classified as a dental emergency.
A dental emergency kit needs to service a broad range of dental emergencies. First, find a clean and sealable storage container to house your dental care items. Include several pairs of sterile gloves, as you will use these for any dental emergency. Often, dental emergencies include bacteria, so using gloves help to minimize the spread of bacteria. Oral pain relievers help to relieve acute pain from aching teeth. Clove oil or gel would also be good to have in your kit as it relieves the pain from the actual source. Dental wax is another important item in your dental emergency kit. Dental wax is a temporary filling material and can be a big help if you lose a filling or displace a crown. It will stick well in the holes of your teeth. Include toothpicks as well to help fill the temporary holes with dental wax. Do not forget cotton to help stop any bleeding and drooling. Lastly, consider floss as well. It is good for tying around a tooth or just holding things together.
Remember, the purpose of your dental emergency kit is to give acute care to dental emergencies. It is important to call our office right away if you are experiencing a dental emergency. Do not try to administer dental treatment yourself. Instead, do the best you can in the short term before you get to us.
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