Dental crowns are the coverings that fit over one of your existing teeth to make it look and feel as if it is just a normal tooth. A crown is used for a damaged tooth or one that is cracked, or if it has lost its original structure. When having a crown placed the question always is asked, how long will this last?
Most dentists like us will say that you that if you properly maintain your crown it can last up to 15 years on the average. But then again, if a crown is extremely well taken care of, it can last for 25-40 years, but this has a lot to do with individuals and how they care for their teeth, their general health and oral care in general and their mouth.
In general porcelain fused metal crowns and all porcelain will usually last for 5 - 15 years. Metal crowns might could last for 20 years or more and a gold or zirconia crown can last up to a lifetime.
There are a number of factors that can determine the length of how long your crown lasts. Each individual mouth is different and very complex. Many factors are taken into account such as: oral hygiene, your daily eating habits, whether you grind or clench your teeth, if you bite your fingernails, ice chewing, drinking extremely hot or cold beverages, using your teeth to open packages or bottles and then of course the material that your crown is formed from.
If properly manufactured with the highest of standards and the crown fits correctly to your bite, plus it is properly taken care of, it might last you for a lifetime. If you have concerns about your crowns or how they are fitting, please call the office. We will guide you through your questions and get you an appointment scheduled as soon as possible.
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