Tooth sensitivity can often be an unwanted side effect when pursuing a brighter smile. Fortunately, tooth sensitivity from teeth whitening usually only lasts a few days. Additionally, you have options to make your teeth whitening experience more comfortable. To better address the sensitivity, we should better understand what causes it.
Sensitive teeth are often characterized by sharp pains or discomfort when you consume hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. Several potential causes include exposed tooth roots, damaged enamel, cavities, cracked teeth, worn fillings, tooth decay, or gum disease.
Nutrient deficiencies can also play a role in weakening enamel. If your body lacks essential minerals like calcium, it may draw from your teeth and bones to compensate, leaving your enamel more porous and prone to irritants that can lead to nerve irritation.
During teeth whitening, especially with higher concentrations of peroxide, the process is designed to penetrate deep into the tooth's layers for more effective results. Within your teeth are channels that connect to the tooth's nerves. The bleaching agents used in whitening treatments can cause temporary nerve irritation by entering into these channels, leading to short-term sensitivity, typically lasting a few days.
Maintaining strong and healthy enamel is a crucial factor in preventing tooth sensitivity. Using desensitizing toothpaste can help seal your enamel and reduce sensitivity. It's also essential to evaluate your oral hygiene routine. Abrasive toothpaste can lead to enamel erosion, while hard bristle brushes may cause gum recession, contributing to root sensitivity.
If you frequently experience tooth sensitivity, addressing the underlying causes is advisable before considering further whitening treatments. Begin with desensitizing toothpaste and a soft bristle brush while assessing your diet for nutritional deficiencies. Nutrient-rich foods support the strengthening of enamel.
Consulting your dentist is crucial for identifying potential causes of tooth discomfort, such as cracked teeth or other damage. Your dentist can recommend products to strengthen your enamel. Over-the-counter whitening products are milder and provide less dramatic results, which might be more tolerable for sensitive teeth.
Professional in-office treatments can be administered gently over time for those seeking more significant whitening results. Additionally, medical-grade desensitizers are available to alleviate discomfort resulting from whitening treatments.
If you're experiencing tooth sensitivity during or after whitening treatments, don't worry; we're here to help you find the best solution. Our favorite professional teeth whitening system is KOR, known for removing stubborn stains and providing long-lasting results through a multi-application process.
If you're interested in professional teeth whitening in Salem MA, reach out to
schedule a consultation. Your journey to a brighter, more confident smile can be comfortable and worry-free.
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