Gum loss is a serious but common dental health issue. While there are a few factors that can cause gum loss, the most common is a dental infection. When your gums are receding, it means you are losing bone beneath the gum. This bone loss leads to tooth loss. Additionally, this infection is just contained in the mouth but can spread to other areas of your body causing many systemic diseases.
It is important to understand the causes of gum loss so that you can take steps to prevent it or stop it from worsening. This article will discuss what causes gum loss, how to avoid it, treatments for stopping it, and what can be done to restore lost gum tissue.
Gum loss, also known as periodontal disease, is a serious condition affecting many people. It occurs when bacteria and plaque build-up between the teeth and gums, which leads to a gum infection. This can cause inflammation, redness, tenderness, and bleeding in the gums.
If left untreated, gum loss can eventually lead to tooth and bone loss, as well as other systemic diseases (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, and stroke). It is important to address gum loss to prevent further complications and restore oral health. Early detection of signs and symptoms can help prevent the progression of gum loss and ensure timely treatment.
Poor oral hygiene is the leading cause of gum loss; it allows plaque to accumulate and form tartar on the teeth, which leads to infection and inflammation in the gums.
Smoking can also contribute to gum loss, making it more difficult for the body to fight off bacteria and promote healing.
Additionally, certain genetic predispositions can make some individuals more prone to gum loss than others.
Fortunately, there are treatments available to stop gum loss and restore oral health. Proper oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily can help prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria that leads to gum loss.
A healthy diet will help your gums heal and build stronger tissues, along with supporting
healthy probiotics in the mouth that protects against harmful disease causing bacteria.
Regular dental visits are also important, as they allow your dentist to monitor any changes in your gums and detect signs of gum loss early on, and provide any treatments that may be needed such as a
deep cleaning to remove any tartar under the gum.
Additionally, quitting smoking/tobacco use is essential for halting the progression of gum loss. Smoking reduces the blood flow to the tissue, starving the tissues of the nutrients needed to maintain good health.
For more severe cases, surgical treatments may be necessary to remove infected tissue and teeth.
Gum loss shouldn’t be ignored, your dentist can help you regain control over your oral health and create a custom plan to regain your health. Sometimes it can feel embarrassing to seek treatment, but this is why we are here to help you regain the health you deserve and the confidence to smile again.
If you have a dental infection, are suffering from bone loss, or have any dental questions we are a
dentist office serving Salem MA, and are here to help, please contact us.
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