If you are thinking about getting dentures, you may wonder how long making the dentures will take. The following information will give you more insight into what is involved when dentures are fabricated and made. While it does take some time for the dentures to be constructed, this time is needed to ensure that your new teeth will fit comfortably and appear more natural-looking.
You will have to schedule several appointments with our office when your dentures are being made. We will need to make a series of molds, try-ins, and trays before we fit the permanent dentures. First, we will take impressions of the mouth, which are given to a technician who casts primary plaster models. The technician then makes customized impression trays using the primary models for a reference. More impressions will be made before registration blocks are constructed from wax. The blocks are used so we can determine where the teeth will be placed. Both the models and registration blocks are mounted on a device called an articular. The articular replicates movements of the jaw. A soft wax denture is also made so we can check for fit before making the final denture.
While the making of your dentures can take some time, you can get your dentures immediately once they are finished being crafted, and your mouth is ready for them. While making impressions and casting molds will involve some effort on your part, the steps are necessary if you want to see the best results. There is a process known as same-day dentures, which might be a viable option, but that is solely based on your current situation and need.
Do you need dentures? Would you like to know more about getting them? If so, give us a call. We can answer any of your inquiries. Contact our professional Prosthodontic team today to schedule an exam and consultation.
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