Dental bonding is a common cosmetic procedure that has drastically changed the way that many people's damaged teeth appear and function. If you have a tooth that is damaged, or does not quite fit in with your other teeth, then keep reading to learn more about dental bonding and the types of issues that it can resolve.
Dental bonding involves the application of a resin to your existing tooth; the resin is durable, safe, and specifically colored to match your other teeth. While dental bonding can not fix major dental issues, such as a missing tooth, the following are some typical minor tooth problems that can be fixed very effectively with dental bonding: broken teeth, stained teeth, gaps in teeth, cavities, and root exposure.
Dental bonding resin is like a clay in the hands of a sculptor; it can be finely shaped to truly mimic a natural tooth in terms of aesthetics, feel, and functionality. Due to the fact that this resin is so workable, it can be layered thinly around a very discolored tooth in order to change its color to match your other teeth. One other particularly helpful issue that dental bonding can fix is that of a twisted tooth; the resin can be expertly sculpted to make a twisted tooth appear as if it is a normal forward-facing tooth.
Dental bonding is also an inexpensive process, and it usually only requires a slight etching of your tooth's surface before the bonding begins. As you can see, dental bonding is an extremely useful technique that can have your teeth looking beautiful in a very short amount of time. Please call us if you have any additional questions, or if you would like to schedule an appointment. We are looking forward to helping you smile with confidence.
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