Oral health and smoking don't go hand in hand. Dentists across the world agree that smoking is one of the risk factors of dental issues, like gum disease and tooth loss. If you are a smoker, it doesn't mean you won't be qualified for dental implants at all, but the success rate of treatment will be significantly lower.
In the field of prosthdontics, dental implants are a viable solution for missing teeth. However, before treatment, you will need to consult Dr. Pamela Maragliano to find out if you even qualify for dental implants.
Smoking is one of the factors that may reduce the effectiveness of dental implant treatment. This is mainly because tobacco reduces the healing of gums post treatment, causing premature dental implant failure in smokers.
Moreover, you need good bone density for dental implant treatment. However, the smoke you inhale causes fibrous tissue to develop instead of ore bone, depleting success rate of the treatment.
Smoking also causes buildup of plaque, making you more susceptible to infections like gum disease. Gum disease reduces strength of gums to support dental implants.
Visit Salem Dental Arts to get an examination if you are missing teeth and want to opt for dental implant treatment. If you are an avid smoker, Dr. Pamela Maragliano will probably wait for you quit smoking at least for the time being, till your gums and bone is in good shape to support the dental implants.
You may have to quit smoking for a month prior to treatment. Meanwhile, you can be advised medication to heal any gum inflammation to prevent infections. You will also be required to quit smoking 3-4 months after dental implants so the healing process can take place more easily.
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